welcoming and strengthening
human connection through
outreach, partnership, and worship
- our mission is to live the love of Jesus Christ together in all our ways -
Summer Discovery Camp will be back by popular demand! Click for details.
Come sing! Come ring! Chancel Choir and Handbell Choirs welcome you!
FCC fellowship
connect | serve | learn | pray
Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as "confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."
Worship has a way of changing our lives, giving us different perspectives not only on how we see our own circumstances, but also those of others. Faith and worship together give us strength in our
troubled world.

our story
Our rich history dates back to FCC's founding in 1784.
We are proud that our history includes the welcoming of the first black pastor in Vermont in 1818. FCC has a historic organ and exceptional music ministry.
The church is located in Manchester Village, nestled in the Green Mountains of southwestern Vermont. The Tall Spire of the church's beautiful white Victorian architecture is a welcoming beacon to all who venture into our community.